
Research Article

Prevalence of disabling hearing loss in the elderly

Letícia Raquel Baraky Vasconcelos, Paula Ferraz Rodrigues, Paula Liziero Tavares and Audryo Oliveira Nogueira*

Published: 19 September, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 012-013

Introduction: Disabling hearing loss refers to hearing thresholds superior than 40 dB in the better ear in the adults. The main cause of hearing loss in the elderly is the age-related hearing loss, also called presbycusis. This type of hearing impairment occurs as individuals grow older and is usually sensorineural hearing disorder greater for high-pitched sounds and affects both ears equally. It is estimated that 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, one third of which are over 65 years old.

Objective: To analyze the prevalence of disabling hearing loss in the elderly of Juiz de Fora. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 122 patients. Pure tone audiometry was performed after meticulous physical examination of the external ear.

Results: Out of 122 older adults, 85 (69,6%) presented disabling hearing loss.

Conclusion: Hearing loss, specially disabling hearing loss, is a frequent condition in the elderly and has a big impact on their quality of life. For that it should be promptly diagnosed so treatment can be initiated.

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