
Research Article

A possible Etiology and new treatment of Burning Mouth Syndrome and allied condition

Sudhakar Pattanaik*

Published: 27 June, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-005

Introduction: Burning mouth syndrome, oral sub mucous fibrosis, leukoplakia, etc are the different manifestations of a common disease as per the surmise of various authors. There is no known cause and no specific treatment. Attempt is made in this study to find a cause and if possible, a treatment.

Materials and methods: 38 such cases were taken up in this study. It was found, that the cardinal signs of paucibacillar indeterminate form of Hanseniasis, as per the definition of WHO, are present in all these cases. Also they are found to respond well to the anti-leprotic drugs prescribed by WHO for the Hanseniasis.

Conclusion: It is recommended for multicentre trial and further research on this score which would relieve the suffering millions of the world populations.

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